Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Me, the Life and the Flower

Oh it has been the me
Was it me, only me or what
A slap on a tender cheek
Vile as I was
Ungood for every soul there was
Be it the abode of benevolence or whatever
Even to the ones I loved
The me I never should have been
Now I cry, now I weep
Right when maggots smile
And I embrace a figment of futile hope
Hoping for....
I never should have done this or even that
Needless to say almost every single act
Oh my life, what have I done with you!
So very pristine yet all dead
Life’s undo could do it all
The only blessing that I want
But the gift which will never be
For it would make Life what is not
Why did I do this to you?
Why... did I? Why?
The eternal questioning perpetuates
Not only did I kill you
But many others of a similar kind
I should have never had you
Oh no but I did
I beseech Thee, the ‘thee’ who gave me this buddy
The ‘Thee’ who knew I had a flower
Only to be disgusted with my trial
For I crushed it before it thought to bloom
All I am now is cold
Colder with nothing latent
Others are blessed with the me now
What will I do! The flower in me wants to live
It’s a flower, you gave
With only beauty and all heart
I beg Thee, I plead Thee,
For I want another chance
I seek the trial with redemption
And that’s the thing in all
Hoping for a chance to save a pure me
But... this is something I wouldn't deserve
This is all I can do, want to do and will do
Oh, please at least for my life’s only flower
Flower, the good, ever good flower

Friday, October 7, 2011

Own Me Not

Thanks for the frying
All they need is a little nature’s crying

There shinning he was with no shy
Over there above all in a high

Own me not warned arrogance
The scorcher treated it with ignorance

Pity though throats so dry
They need a shower at least to cry

Came along white guys with determination
The hapless earthlings pleaded a watery nation

Blue curtain seemed gloomy and mean
The shiny guy shamed with the gaseous screen

My cry their smile no chance
Amoeboid hangouts ceaselessly prance

Own me not warned arrogance
The weightless dudes swayed in negligence

Only you guys could help
Please do hear the human yelp

A sudden flash left the sawyers shuddering
All that was heard was thundering

The droplets came down from great height
At last tears for loss of might

Who in the world struck the flash?
May be a soul with no want for cash

It could be a divine trick
Or a few charges causing an electric

With wetness having quenched thirst
Something new emerged on the mind’s crest

With need there was nothing but commonness
That sufficed crept in discreteness

Once all they had was need
Now brimming with wants to feed

Began the lowly absurd fights
Rendering thousands with sleepless nights

Own me not warned arrogance
Man was lost in his uncanny resurgence

Who can teach these immatures now?
Guess nature knew it probably how

Now I know the forces own me light
All this drama an attempt to pause the fight

I am arrogance with no freedom
Young minds kick me out of your fiefdom

Own me not; own me not this is a plea
Please, please let me flee

NOTE: Thanks a million for reading.This is my first shot at Poetry. Good or bad please do share your comments.